Product information
Cemcolori is a high-quality product based on a cement and a resin. Contrary to traditional stucco based on lime or gypsum, Cemcolori is not mixed with water, but with a special resin that makes the product strong, flexible, waterproof, and easy to clean.
This results in a seamless, naturally waterproof, and maintenance-friendly concrete look finish for walls, floors, and various furniture. The waterproof property makes Cemcolori unique compared to existing products on the market. This is because these products need to be made waterproof by means of lacquering, waxing, or impregnation. As you will understand, this may cause problems in the long term when the lacquer or wax layer starts to show wear. This is not the case with Cemcolori, the finish is only protected against dirt with a specially developed (hardtop) lacquer layer. This also makes the Cemcolori very easy to clean. Moreover, according to our processors, the Cemcolori products are easier and quicker to apply than existing products on the market.
Cemcolori can be applied to virtually any stable substrate. Thanks to its waterproof and seamless properties, Cemcolori is also a very popular alternative for tiles in wet areas. Moreover, it is possible to apply Cemcolori over the tiles, which eliminates the need for demolition and crushing work, which is often considered a major benefit by the consumer.
In addition, Cemcolori is a highly sustainable application. Our products are very low in emissions, which make Cemcolori a healthy application for both the home and in public spaces.
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